Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Why am I doing this?

So, it took me a long time to decide to do a blog.  Is that the right phrasing, "do a blog"?  Oh well, I'm going to go with it for now.  I feel like I have a lot to say about a lot of things that aren't necessarily things people talk about.  I'm fat.  Let's just get that out of the way up front.  The title of this thing is "Confessions of a plus size Mommy", but make no mistake about it, I'm fat.  I didn't use that word in my blog title because I didn't want to scare any prospective readers away with the horrible f-word.  Not that f-word, I'm talking about fat.  People tend to clam up and shy away from this word because unfortunately we've given the word a negative connotation and as a result, power.  It has the power to make us feel small (ironic, yes?), it has the power to make people swallow hard, and it has the power to make your good day go bad real quick.  I remember the first time I heard someone use the word in a positive way, it completely caught me off guard.  It was a guy I was dating and I remember clear as day he said, "I love your fat butt".  He meant it as a compliment.  He thought he was saying something nice.  In my mind, he was insulting me, but then I thought hard about it and I realized that it wasn't an insult at all.  Fat is a descriptive word.  I am fat.  I am female.  I am a brunette.  These words all describe me and I shouldn't shun the word fat anymore than I shun the word woman or man or tall or thin or any other word I use to describe people. 
So, if you decide to read more of my blogs, you will see me use the word fat a lot.  I'm not saying it to make myself or anyone else feel bad or unworthy, I simply use the word to get your ears and eyes used to it so that if someone tries to use the word as an insult, you will already be one step ahead.  :)


  1. I <3 you. You are an inspiration and I'm so happy you're my friend. I might even start blogging again.

    1. Love you too, Doll! I really do hope you start blogging again <3


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