Wednesday, November 15, 2017

It's been a while

It's been a while!  I think I need to admit to myself that I don't really know how to blog.  What am I supposed to write about?  I really don't think I'm that interesting or that I really have anything of value to add to the millions of conversations already taking place online, but here I am.  I think I need to just admit that I like to write.  I like sharing my thoughts with people who are willing to listen, and I like feeling like maybe there are others out there feeling like me.  I guess, if you've found your way into my little corner of the internet, I'd like to say thanks for reading and I hope in all of my foolishness you find a place where you can say, "Hey, me too!". 
At the end of the day we just all want to feel like we're not alone, right?  Not alone in life, or in our opinions or experiences.  We want to know that what we're thinking/feeling/doing is ok and that others get it.  That's where I come in.  I get it!  I get that sometimes life is great and perfect and beautiful. I also get that sometimes life sucks. 
Anyway, the reason I was moved to dust off this blog and write again is my mom.  I've written about my mom before, and I imagine I will be writing about her often.  She was a very special woman.  She was smart, funny, sarcastic, fiercely loyal, and she had the biggest heart.  Thanksgiving is next week and it is one of my favorite days of the year.  I remember my mom would make a big feast every year and having people over to share food and laughs with was her favorite part.  My mom welcomed everyone into her home (unless you crossed her, then you were dead to her LOL). 
One year she invited a co-worker and her kids to join us.  Strangers.  That's who my mom was though.  "No one should be alone, especially on Thanksgiving!", she would say.  So this stranger and her two kids showed up on our doorstep and were welcomed with open arms.  That day, these three people started as strangers, quickly became friends, and then left as new members of our family.  There was no getting rid of them after that.  :)  It's amazing how much you can bond over food and football.
I strive every day to be like my mom, to hold myself to that standard and try to be a good woman in this world.  Sometimes I come up short and that's ok.  I dust myself off, remind myself whose daughter I am, and press on.  All I can do is try.  I won't be perfect, but I will be good enough.

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!  <3