Wednesday, June 8, 2016


I currently live in a country where women aren’t believed when they say they were raped.  Everything from their clothing to their life choices come into question and everyone tries to find a reason why it was her fault.  Why it was just a bad choice and not actually rape. 
Recently, a man was convicted of rape and given a sentence of 6 months in jail.  Let me say that again.  A man forced himself on an unconscious woman behind a dirty dumpster and was given a sentence of 6 months in jail.   Are you disgusted?  I am.  What the fuck.
Do you know why he was even convicted in the first place?  Not because anyone believed that the woman didn’t consent, are you kidding?  Who the fuck would believe that?  It was because two other men, heroes really, happened to be passing by and noticed something was very wrong.  Are you hearing me?  He was convicted because he was caught IN THE ACT.  There is no question what was going on.  Those two men saw her unconscious, they saw that animal RAPING her, and when that animal tried to flee like the fucking coward that he is, they chased him and waited for him to be arrested.  Which he was, believe you me, he was arrested and charged and tried because thankfully someone saw this happening.  Do you know what would have happened had they not been riding their bikes that night?  He would have raped her and left her there like garbage.  He would have gone home and not thought any more about it. He would never, ever second guess what happened.  In his mind, he drank too much and hooked up with a girl.  That is exactly what he thinks happened.  He thinks he drank too much and made some bad choices.  I am seeing red just typing these disgusting words. 
He is a rapist.  No matter how he tries to change it or minimize it, he is a rapist and he deserves to be punished.  He needs to understand what he did and why it has nothing to do with alcohol, his or hers.    There is no gray area here, unconscious people can’t give consent.  Again, for the idiots in the back, UNCONCIUOUS PEOPLE CAN’T GIVE CONSENT.
I can’t believe this is still a topic of discussion.  Stop blaming the victim, stop excusing rapists because it was their first rape (maybe first reported rape?)/they are rich/they are an athlete/they are white/they go to your alma mater, and maybe pretend to actually care when someone says they’ve been hurt. 
Also, to anyone trying to excuse this piece of shit:  FUCK YOU.